Friday, July 2, 2010


My darling friend Talia came up with a theory, that time does not exist and every single moment you experience, happened before, but you don't remember it because quite frankly, you are stupid.
she believes we are all nothing but blades of grass, swaying in the wind as we live.
don't ask any questions, just accept this very special girl's theory and move the fuck on with your lives.

aside from that, this is the first night I'm spending in my own bed in far too long...
my family thinks I divorced them because they haven't seen me for ages. I think hell is freezing over.

I went to a party supporting the gay, lesbian and bi-sexual youth of Melbourne (hence the word SUPPORTING, no, I'm not lesbian or bi, not that there's anything wrong with being lesbian or bi. just saying, I'm not).
It was an absolutely amazing party, I met so many incredible people, and quite frankly, LESBIANS ARE COOL! please take my new friends Lara and Alex as an example, those girls are such dykes, they make me feel bad for being straight :(

the next day I found myself blowing condoms up. it's more entertaining than it seems....

hopefully I'll get more sleep tonight,
sooo long.

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