Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 1 — Your Best Friend(s)

I'm gonna write two letters, seeing as there's two people who I concider my best friends.

The other Shmuck,
I cannot imagine life without you.
being so far away from you right now hurts, but everytime I think of you I become happy, knowing things are going well for you. you mean the world to me, you know that? Thinking of all the amazing times we've had together, although we didn't start off too well... we managed to break through bad and eventually reached the good.
I'm so thankful for every moment I spent and will spend with you.
You are my saviour, you help me with everything, even though I'm "time consuming"... you're always there and you never complain.
You keep everything inside, just to make me happy.
Im so greatful for everything, EVERYTHING.
I miss you so much
you are everything to me.
I know, that even if we don't talk for a whole year, our friendship won't break.
the connection we have is too strong. I'm sure of it.
I wear your necklace everyday, and everytime I feel its weight on my neck, I get a warm feeling inside.
You are the most amazing boy in the world, I know I\m lucky to know you as well as I do.
I'm counting down the days until I see you again, hug you, and play with your hair.
I miss everything about you, even your beatboxing... I'm sure that by the time I see you again, you'll be incredible!
Nath, so many memories, so many good times which will never be forgotten.
I'm hoping for many more.
see you in November 2011...
I love you

one of the first things you told me when we met is that you don't believe in god, but you do believe in karma and the universe, a greater force.
back then, I didn't believe in the same things you believed in, but now I do.
I believe a greater force WANTED us to meet, planned it out for us. and now, as a result, I have you.
a friend whose so special and dear to me. and even though we have only knows eachother for just more than a year, I know that our friendship will survive any storm.
We have proved it before, and we will prove it again. not only to ourselves and to eachother, but to anyone who ever doubted the strength of our friendship!
I know I won't see you for a very long time. and it hurts. it kills me inside to know that I won't see you every saturday, that we won't stay up till 4am talking on your bed, we won't mess around on your mac... so many more amazing things won't be done, but it's ok. because I know, at the end of the day, we'll always be there for eachother. Whether it's to cry or to laugh, I'll be there for you. Our friendship will survuve any obstacle, I promise you, I know we can make it work.
I miss you
your laugh
your BIG smile
your smell (or the fake tan's smell...) :)
but it's ok. because I know, that becuase I miss you so much, it'll be incredible when I see you.
and that's what keeps me strong.
I love you

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